Updated January 24, 2024
Groups and Folders (Folder View)
Working with elements is radically simplified with Activedock 2. Most of the actions can be directly performed from the Activedock panel (using contextual menu) or by dragging (Drag and Drop) elements from the Finder.
Folders (Folder View)
Folders (Folder View) display the contents of a folder on your Mac.
When you add a Folder to the ActiveDock panel, the contents of the Folder remain in their original place, the elements are not transferred (not saved) to the ActiveDock repository.
Adding Folders to ActiveDock
Option 1: Add Folders by dragging and dropping items from the Finder
– open Finder
– select the desired item and just drag it to the ActiveDock panel
Option 2: Adding Folders from the ActiveDock Context Menu
Right-click (or two-click on the MacBook Touchpad) or Command + Click on any icon in ActiveDock (using contextual menu) then “Add Items to Panel”=> “Add Files/Folders”
In the dialog that appears, select the folder you need and click Open
The folder will be added to the ActiveDock panel
How to remove a Folder from ActiveDock?
Right-click (or Command Click) and select “Options -> Remove from Dock” from the context menu that appears.
Groups (Virtual Folders)
Groups (virtual folders) contain links to any added items (files, folders, documents, applications)
Adding Groups to ActiveDock
– Right-click (or two-click on the MacBook Touchpad) or Command Click on any icon in ActiveDock
– In the context menu, select “Add Items to Panel” => “Add Group”
– The folder will be added to the ActiveDock panel, click to display the contents and then click + to add items to the Group
– in the dialog that appears, select the elements you want to add to the group
How to remove a Group from ActiveDock?
Right-click (or Command Click) and select “Remove from Dock” from the context menu that appears.
Change name or icon of an item/group in ActiveDock
to change the name of the Group or Icon, open the group and click on the settings button
in the dialog that appears, you can enter the Group Name or Change the Group Icon
Themes (in case of problems)
Unfortunately, the documentation and the theme mechanism are still under development, in the future, this documentation and the skins mechanism will be improved.
if there are very few items in the list of themes, then you can click the Reset then Refresh button
after that you can open the themes folder, there should be such files
In order to create a new design theme, you need to create a new folder in the themes folder and place a file with an image that will be a background image
file name background.png
How to pin an application to AciveDock?
Right-click (or Command Click) and select “Options -> Keep in Dock” from the context menu that appears.
How to remove a pinned app from AciveDock?
Right-click (or Command Click) and select “Options -> Remove from Dock” from the context menu that appears.
How to hide running applications from the ActiveDock?
Right-click (or Command Click) and in the context menu that appears, select “Options -> Don’t display in Dock”
You can also add and manage Excluded Applications in Settings
How to manage the list of exceptions (Excluded Applications)?
You can manage Excluded Applications in Settings
Apple Dock not showing or problems with automatically hiding the Apple Dock
The problem may occur if the setting for automatically hiding the Apple Dock was changed through
modification of user defaults and at the same time through ActiveDok
Try disabling hiding Apple Dock from ActiveDok settings (see screenshot below)
And/or run the following command and terminal
defaults delete com.apple.dock autohide-delay && killall Dock
In cases where:
– Thumbnails / Preview windows are not displayed
– Window switching does not work
– Deleting from the trash does not work
and other cases, run the following commands in a terminal
Before doing this, close (exit) ActiveDock and after launching, in the window that appears, again grant all the necessary permissions
sudo tccutil reset Accessibility com.sergey-gerasimenko.ActiveDock-2 sudo tccutil reset ScreenCapture com.sergey-gerasimenko.ActiveDock-2 sudo tccutil reset SystemPolicyAllFiles com.sergey-gerasimenko.ActiveDock-2 sudo tccutil reset All com.sergey-gerasimenko.ActiveDock-2 sudo tccutil reset SystemPolicyAllFiles com.sergey-gerasimenko.ActiveDock-2
To completely remove settings…
To completely remove settings, use the following command, which must be executed in the terminal.
Please note: this command will reset ActiveDock settings including information about Pinned Applications, Folders, Groups …
defaults delete com.sergey-gerasimenko.ActiveDock-2 sudo defaults delete com.sergey-gerasimenko.ActiveDock-2